LGBT Bloggers Night at Red Box
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Since I have lots of gay friends in the BLOGOSPHERE and way back in elementary, high school and college days, I attended the LGBT Bloggers Party at Red Box, Greenbelt 3 last November 16 to support of course the gay community. I and Eric went to the said event a bit late. We were welcomed by AJ Matela, author of the blog, Bakla Ako, My Reklamo? who organized the party. It was nice meeting Pau who tackled the grandest Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) event of the year, the 2008 Manila Pride March: Parade, Program, Pageant and Party which is scheduled on December 6 at Malate. Also at that night, they launched the Rainbow Bloggers Philippines, a blog roll/network of LGBT bloggers.
Photo op with AJ Pau and I After the party, I picked up my cousins who personally watched the concert of Rihanna and Chris Brown at The Fort, whew!!! Since, they don't have a nice and steady video of the concert, I checked YouTube and found a video, Yehey!!!
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